Saturday, December 08, 2007

I can't bear it

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Unrelated? I think not.

Sure, kids like the lights, but they think that lead paint chips are edible and green vegetables aren't, so what the hell do they know?

You mark my words - fairy lights are frying the planet.



At 7:05 pm, December 08, 2007, Blogger Jacob said...

People with their Christmas obsessions, pft.

At 7:05 pm, December 08, 2007, Blogger River said...

I don't have any fairy lights so I'm doing my bit to not fry the planet. But they are pretty.

At 11:26 pm, December 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a rather naughty looking iceburg he thought as he turned on his chrissy lights <^..^>

At 11:39 pm, December 08, 2007, Blogger phishez said...

I hate Christmas. Its one day that lasts three months.

At 1:08 pm, December 09, 2007, Blogger redcap said...

jacob, I know! That guy out at Salisbury who puts up 10 gazillion lights every year and does little sound and light shows is possibly the most Christmas obsessed person in the world. How would you be if someone new moved in next door and you discovered it was him?!

river, it's those inflatable Santas that slowly rise up out of their inflatable chimneys that really bother me. ~shudder~ The light of hell glows from their inflatable eyes...

ali g, shame! ;)

phish, let's just call it what it is - Western Consumer Holiday. Or Pissmas.

At 2:55 pm, December 09, 2007, Blogger MikeFitz said...

Yeah, I know.

On November 24, I hand out Green how-to-votes to ALL my neighbours at the local state school. The very next week-end, Mrs Fitz turns our front yard into Exhibit B. D'Oh!

At 10:21 am, December 10, 2007, Blogger Ariel said...

One tasteful strand is pretty. A neon house is a monstrosity. Not to mention frying the planet. It's sick, that's what it is.

At 3:43 pm, December 10, 2007, Blogger Cinema Minima said...

Ha! I always suspected Santa was evil.

At 3:48 pm, December 10, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Western Consumer Holiday

I remember a couple of decades ago when a Tokyo department store tried to cash in on these "Christian Festivals" that were such money-spinners overseas...

They put a life-size Santa Claus dummy in the middle of their store ... and NAILED HIM TO A CROSS!

(Wouldn't we all like to do that sometimes?)

At 7:14 pm, December 10, 2007, Blogger PetStarr said...

I don't mind fairy lights so much, as long as they're not wrapped around giant fake snowmen or snowflakes or reindeer OR ANY OTHER FUCKING CHRISTMAS CLICHE THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH AUSTRALIA.

Grumble grumble.


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